It's that time of the four-month period called a semester right before finals. It's that time where...
-I do anything and everything other than doing homework:
i. Facebook
ii. 10-minute Arthur episodes on YouTube
iii. Quick Hotmail check
iv. Write a blog post
v. Check the extended family website
vi. Look for housing (except that's actually productive)
vii. Eat
Exception: Fun reading. I couldn't do's too blatantly unproductive.
-I feel like I'm in a daze and am a robot more often.
-Naps constantly sound good (but really).
-Working for 8 hours a day with no homework sounds wildly appealing.
-If anyone so much as says "Do you want to" I am apt to yell back "I'm in!" (incidentally, no one's said this to me yet, but if they did, I would)
-I go through weird bouts throughout the day where homework and studying sounds good because it means I'm that much closer to no more of it.
-I find myself sitting and staring at nothing.
-I become apathetic even in my favorite classes and blow things off until the last minute.
So, while these end-of-the-semester feelings and reactions are not at all unique to me, the fact remains that they're there. And how. If I were to write a stream of consciousness short story, it would go something like this:
I like this song. I'll probably listen to it a few more times. I'm glad the sun goes down later. That snow melted fast from this morning. Thank goodness. The whole mountain is green. Almost. Except for those rocks. I guess they'll never get green. Oh, the song is over. YouTube, why do you allow ads before videos? It really messes up my listening experience.
Not exactly Mrs. Dalloway. If it sounds like I'm crazy, well, I don't know what to say. I actually started writing this post to avoid doing English homework. I'd probably better get back to it. Although it's not really that bad this time; the readings are much more interesting than normal. I'm sick of reading. Wow, did I just say that?
I think I'm psyching myself out. Only 13 more days.