Thursday, December 13, 2012

Liszt Does it Again

It's that time of year.....not only is it Christmas time, but we are also at that point in the semester where students spend long hours in the library (or the 4th floor of the JFSB in my case) and frantically cram and plan out when to take final exams.


That time of year is past and it is now time to really rejoice because finals are over! Today while wandering around campus in a shocked and dazed state, this piece kept coming into my head and I think it is an accurate portrayal of how I feel. The whole piece is great, but the first three minutes or so are especially pertinent.

Also, this is called a waltz, but I defy anybody to dance to it and make it look good.


1 comment:

  1. I really liked this. Thanks for expanding my cultural horizons.
